
How to update HandicapMaster software when your computer is not connected to the internet.

To update HandicapMaster software on a computer that is not connected to the internet:
  1. Using a computer that is connected to the internet, visit the 'Downloads' section of this web site.
  2. Click 'Download HandicapMaster' (Top link displayed), then click the DOWNLOAD FILE button.
    At this point, you may have to allow a 'pop-up' window to allow the download to be received.
  3. Choose SAVE at this stage and save the update file called Hm_Setup_1514 to your local drive or to a USB memory stick. Avoid saving the file with name 'HandicapMaster'.
  4. Once the download completes:
    1. Start Windows Explorer (WINDOWS + E Keys together is a quick way to do this).
    2. Navigate to the folder where you saved the download file.
    3. As you want to update an offline PC please copy the saved file to a USB memory Stick (or burn onto a CD if the offline computer does not support USB).
  5. Take the USB memory stick (or CD) to the offline computer. Double-click over the file in Windows Explorer, on the PC you wish to update. This will start the installer program and when this finishes your offline computer will have the latest software installed.