
Current Known Defects

Listed below are the current known faults and defects in HandicapMaster version 13.0 (current build).
This page was last modified: April 27 2024 23:05. UTC
  • Letters; Unexpected error 91 ('Object reference not set to an instance of an object') may occur when running a letter.
  • Configure Competition; When re-configuring an opened competition to change it to a Scratch (no handicap) competition, the change is not saved to the competition.
  • Manage Competition Fees; When operating a competition purse and then selecting 'Manage Competition Fees...', Unexpected Error 5 ('InvalidArgument=Value of '-1' is not valid for 'index'.') occurs.
  • ClubWebsite; Error 'The client and server cannot communicate because they do not possess a common algorithm' will be reported on computers not running Windows 11. This was caused by enabling security protocol TLS 1.3 which is not fully supported on versions of Windows prior to Windows 11.
  • Re-entry Competitions; When an opened Re-entry competition is reconfigured, some attributes are not updated on Master Scoreboard for online score entry, such as a change in Tees, and more.
  • Re-entry Competitions; When an opened Re-entry competition is reconfigured to change the Tees to play from, between some players signing-in and before any players have entered scores, the tee selection for those signed in is not updated.
If you have a previous build on your computer, please update the latest build using HELP -> CHECK FOR UPDATES ONLINE in HandicapMaster, or download the latest update from our web site.